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Hello, aspiring students! You’re cordially invited to join the BISTU student body! I’m Zhu Anbo, Dean of the School of Foreign Studies (SFS).



Firmly rooted in the capital city of Beijing, SFS is branching out to address the needs of China and the entire world. We are committed to producing highly-qualified language professionals who are able to facilitate cross-cultural communication as translators, foster trade relations as business people, and champion the cause of education as teachers.



Over the last 25 years, SFS faculty and staff have been tirelessly cultivating this land of learning while carving out their distinctive niche in the field of language-oriented education. Our core educational philosophy can be defined by a seven-letter word, "INSPIRE", which essentially means "to encourage, motivate, enlighten, and empower". Each of the seven letters is closely related to the SFS mission as well as its distinguishing characteristics.


I -- IT-enabled,信息特色。人工智能助推传统翻译教学。依托自然语言处理和语料库,翻译工作者如虎添翼。

“I” stands for “IT-enabled”. Artificial intelligence (AI) and time-honored translation pedagogy result in a productive synergy. Assisted by NLP and corpus technologies, translators will more than double their effectiveness, working like “tigers that have grown wings”.


N -- Noble-spirited,品德高尚。学院师生以实际行动诠释家国情怀,为建设美好中国奋斗不息。

“N” refers to “Noble-spirited”. All of the SFS community takes great pride in expressing its abiding love for the Chinese nation. By maintaining excellent moral conduct on a day-to-day basis, our students and teachers alike are making an all-out effort to build a beautiful China.


S – Society-minded,服务社会。师生发挥专业语言优势,服务首都北京,服务社会发展,让国际交流更加高效顺畅。

“S” embodies “Society-minded”. Equipped with professional linguistic skills, SFS faculty and students have proven their value in enhancing cross-border exchange, imparting specialist knowledge to the public, and promoting the Chinese spirit across the globe.


P -- Practice-driven,实践导向。学院组织并承办各类国家级、市级和校级外语技能大赛,以竞赛促实践,以实践促能力。

“P” symbolizes “Practice-driven”. SFS emphasizes broadening students’ hands-on experience. By organizing and hosting a wide array of English contests, we have provided our students with numerous opportunities to hone their skills through real-world applications.


I -- Individual-centered,关注个体。学院实行“学科导师制”,一对一指导学生专业发展。与欧、美多所高校开展交流合作,积极为学生创造海外学习机会。

“I” implies “Individual-centered”. SFS attaches great significance to its "mentoring program", under which experienced teachers provide one-on-one guidance to students regarding career development. By entering into strategic partnerships with a number of universities on the European and North American continents, we leave no stone unturned in expanding overseas study opportunities for our students.


R -- Regulation-governed,制度先行。有法可依,有章可循,弘扬勤信文化,勤以为学、信以立身。

“R” denotes “Regulation-governed. Following state laws and official regulations, SFS consistently ensures the smooth running of all its projects. The rule of law forms the environment for both students and teachers to accomplish the objective of “Diligence in learning, honor for life”.


E -- Evidence-based,循证发展。做最好的自己,办一流的专业,循环改进,止于至善。

“E” represents “Evidence-based”. SFS adheres to the guiding principle of "seeking truth from facts and teaching in accordance with personal aptitudes". We are always on the road to self-innovation. Such an evidence-based process of trial and error will never cease until the perfect outcome is achieved.



Ladies and gentlemen, now is the time to blaze a trail and strive for excellence in your field!


So, why not join us at BISTU? Here, you will be inspired, you will be empowered, and you will be remembered!